发布者:   编辑:新能源学院   发布时间:2018年07月23日

学  术  讲  座

讲座题目:A numerical investigation of effect of fin and nanoparticle on melting rate in an enclosure

主 讲 人:Müslüm ARICI

简    介:教授 来自土耳其科卡利大学,工程系,机械工程部。博士毕业于科卡利大学机械工程部,先后在比利时冯·卡门研究所、白俄罗斯国家科学院传热传质研究所、西班牙萨拉戈萨大学访学。主要从事CFD、相变材料、建筑节能、太阳能利用、纳米流体技术、光伏面板等方面的研究。教学方面,主讲传热学(英语),数值分析(英语)、流体力学(土耳其语)、数值传热学(英语)。


时    间:201872515:00

地    点:研究院1号楼南624


This speech will present the results of a study in which we have performed a CFD analysis to observe enhancement in melting rate of a PCM inside a square cavity by using a single fin attached at the heated wall together with incorporating nanoparticles in PCM. We conducted a parametric study to examine the influence of length and location of the fin on the melting process. Besides, the orientation of the heated wall on the melting rate namely, a) heating from the bottom and cooled from the top wall and b) heating from the vertical side wall and cooling from the facing vertical wall is also analyzed.
